Spur Gear

They are types of gears that are frequently used in mechanical systems and are designed to transfer power from one source to another. These gears ensure the transmission of force and motion between two shafts located parallel and on the same axis.

Spur gears have many advantages. First of all, they provide high efficiency in power transfer. When designed correctly, energy loss is minimal. Additionally, spur gears are generally easier to manufacture and assemble than other gear types.

However, spur gears also have some limitations. The most important is the tendency of gears to create noise and vibration during operation. For this reason, spur gears are generally not recommended for high speeds or precision applications. Additionally, spur gears have precise manufacturing requirements, where factors such as surface hardness and accuracy of tooth profiles must be taken into account.

As a result, spur gears are types of gears commonly used in mechanical systems and provide an effective method of transmitting power. When designed correctly and used in appropriate applications, they provide high efficiency and durability. However, it is important to consider application requirements and use correct manufacturing techniques.

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Technical Specifications
Diameter8580 mm