Corporate Human Resources

The progress of our staff with whom together we wrote the success story of PGR Gear and together we plan our future, is our priority.

As Polat Group;

We are fed by our team members who are dedicated to their groups, protect their values, are ambitious and aware of their responsibilities, focus on succeeding together, believe in constant development, sensitive to environment and society and constitute the Polat family in creating success stories that are sustainable in domestic and foreign market and standing out in competition.

For all our employees through which we create our success story and design the future, we adopt Polat Group Human Resources policy that is managed in a dynamic structure considering changing needs, expectations and the best applications, shaped by Polat Group strategies and that guide our Human Resources applications. Our policy consist of principles, such as

  • Mutual trust and respect,
  • Caring about human and knowledge,
  • Keeping occupational health and safety among its prioritiesi
  • Living with consistent improvement perspective,
  • Integrating digitalization and technology to its activities as priority,
  • Objective assessment and offering equality of opportunity,
  • Ensuring participation of employees in management,
  • Supporting and encouraging development,
  • Encouraging to unleash innovation and potential,
  • Competent- and performance-based development and awarding

in Human Resources.